Six new transcripts have been added as of 13 February... Including one of my favourites, the Ben and Blake 'bondage' scenes... Enjoy!


Setting - Ben is in New York, he is sitting in a chair in a robe, reading about Ross and the trial from a paper....

Ben - Well... I think it's time to level the playing field, in all the ways that count. Be prepared old friend....

Next scene - Ben is packing -

Ben - This won't be easy, but it will be worth it

Next scene - Ben is on the phone -

Ben - Yes, I'd like to make a plane reservation, first class to Springfield, and I want the earliest possible flight, thankyou

Next time we see Ben he is in Springfield, at Company, when Ross and Blake have been to celabrate the twin's first birthdays....

Rick - (talking about Roy) - How did that man get out of jail?

Ben's entering -

Ross - Damned if I know

Ben - Maybe I can shed some light on that counsellor.

Ross looks very shocked!

Ben - Good evening Ross

Ross - Ben

Ben - In the flesh, long time no see hey?

Ross - What are you doing here?

(this scene is repeated again in next episode, Ross's last line is changed)

Ross - What are you doing here in Springfield?

Ben - I'm here to defend Roy Meecham

Ross - Why?

Ben - Why not? I'm an attorney, he's a client - surely you didn't think you'd never see me again, or did you?

Rick - You two old friends Ross?

Ben - Ross and I are more then old friends, much more. Go on Ross, tell these good people just how close we really are

Next scene - Blake comes over and joins in conversation

Blake - Ross, why don't you introduce us to your, uh, whatever he is...

Ben - Yes, please, I can't wait to be introduced to this ravishing creature

Blake smiling - Well, thankyou

Ross - This ravishing creature happens to be my wife, Blake

Ben - Uh, it's my pleasure to meet you Reaches over to shake hands

Blake - Thankyou, Mr?

Ross - Warren - Ben Warren. We're fellow law school allumnus, although he graduated ten years after I did

Ben - Ross, I'm disappionted, we're much more then from the same alma mater

Ross - I helped Ben get into school

Ben - Your husband is far too modest

Ross - Can we not do this now?

Ben - He not only helped me get into law school, he helped me get through it, if I needed special tutouring, Ross was there, if I was a little short on my tuition, Ross made up the difference, this man was my mentor, my, my idol, so much more

Ross - Let's just drop it shall we?

Blake - Well actually I would like to hear more

Ben - I can't image what my life would be like today if this man hadn't done what he did

Ross - I was only trying to help Ben

Ben - No-one made a bigger impact then you Ross

Blake - You it's very funny because I never... I don't remember you mentioning Mr Warren before

Ben - Please call me Ben

Blake - Okay.. How come you kept that under wraps all this time?

Ross - It's a long story Blake - I just want to know how you got Roy out of jail

Ben - Which time?

Ross - Well obviously the first time you paid his bail, what about this?

Ben - Well let's just say that the truth set him free

Rick - This man does not deseve to be on the streets, he violently attacked Abigail and he's been stalking her non-stop

Abby - He needs to be in jail Mr Warren

Ben - Well your certainly entitled to your opinion Miss Bloom, but the fact is my client has an air-tight allabi for the night you say you saw him

Ross - That's impossible

Ben - Wrong counsoller, you should have done your homework on this one, it was an oversight a mile wide

Rick - Roy Meecham violated a restraining order by showing up at my house Halloween night, that's a fact and I don't give a damn what his friends say

Ben - Why don't we let the courts decide what Roy Meecham did

Rick - Don't patronise me - you keep your client away from Abby, or I swear

Ross - Rick, Rick that's enough

Ben - I agree with my, uh, old friend, you have quite a temper Doctor Bauer

Rick - Only when scum represents scum

Ben - I can assure you my client will not come near Miss Bloom - isn't that right Roy? - I'm just sorry she keeps confusing me with the animal that attacked her

Abby - He did it! Ross is going to prove that you did it

Ben - No he's going to try, but he won't succeed, I won't let him

Ross - Rick, why don't you and Abby sit down so I can speak to Mr Meecham and his attorney. Blake, you too please I don't know how you got Meecham out, but if he comes anywhere near Abigail Bloom I am going to add stalking to the charges and I am going to get you for aiding and abedding

Ben - Roy, you heard the esteemed DA, stay away from Miss Bloom

Roy - Haven't gone near her yet

Ben - Happy now?

Ross - Do I look it?

Ben - to Roy - Why don't you go over and have a seat, I'll be with you in a minute

Ross - Alright Ben, I want the truth - what are you doing in Springfield?

Ben - I told you, I'm here to defend this poor young man from a judicial system that's out to crush him

Ross - I find it hard to beleive that you had to come all this way to get a client who needs your services

Ben - I never could fool you could I? I read about the case, I thought it would be an interesting challenge

Ross - Life isn't challenging enough in New York?

Ben - What's the matter Ross? Think of all the fun we're going to have going at each other in court - student verus mentor, classic confrontation, and one, with all due respect is long overdue

Next scene

Ross - I assume your going to ask the judge for a continuance so you can muster a defense

Ben - No I spoke to the judge this afternoon, trial goes on tomorrow as scheduled

Ross - Really - what's the rush? Unless you want it over with, knowing that your going to lose

Ben - Come on Ross we both know how competative I've always been, I want to win, of course if your unprepared

Ross - I'm ready to see Roy Meecham convicted in record time - this case is air-tight

Ben - Save that for the jury - we both know that no case is air-tight

Ross - Ben I want the truth - why are you here in Springfield?

Ben - You really expect a full answer Ross? I don't think you have the time for it, judging from all the things your doing these days

Ross - You can not just walk back into my life

Ben - Your life? Why not? You got rid of me like that, I can come back like that

Ross - I did what I had to do

Ben - Sure, no sweat, it's just why I'm here, doing what I have to

Blake - Hey, you know what, if you and Ben were so close, how come you didn't keep in touch?

Ross - It happens

Ben - It seems like you never even mentioned my name to your lovely wife

Blake - Oh, don't blame Ross for that, he's very busy with his career, he is the best husband and father in the world

Ben - Family guy, huh?

Blake - Oh, but you haven't seen our boys have you?

Ben - No, no I haven't

Blake - Please Blake leads Ben over to where the twins are

Blake - This is Jason and this is his twin brother Kevin

Ben - Twins sons - Ross you must be very happy

Ross - I am, thankyou

Ben - talking to a twin - Your a very lucky guy, you'll always have a brother who'll be there for you

Ross - Blake we have to get going, the boys have had a long day

Ben - Your leaving so soon?

Ross - Yeah, it's way past their bedtimes

Ben - Yeah, but we have so much catching up to do

Ross - Sorry, these little guys are counting on me

Ben - Just like I used to

Blake - You know if you'd like to stay and talk to Ben I can take the boys home

Ross - No

Blake - I wouldn't mind

Ross - No, besides, I have to get ready for court tomorrow

Ben - You know, Ross if I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to avoid me, but that would be crazy wouldn't it? You wouldn't do that unless you were afraid...

Next scene

Ross - Ben, we can certainly get one thing straight, I'm not afraid of you

Rick - You know Ross, maybe you should be afraid, Roy and Ben seem to have the same moral standards

Ben - I suggest you inform the alleged victim and her friend that anyone accused of a crime is entitled to legal representation and if they persist in harrassing me or my client I'm slap them with a restraining order

Rick - You mean like the one Roy ignored against Abby, right?

Abby - Rick, don't

Ross - Abby, Rick I want you both to go home, get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow

Rick - Yeah your right, come on let's go

Next scene

Ross - Ben, for the last time, what are you doing in Springfield?

Ben - Oh I think you know the answer to that

Ross - Damn you

Ben - That's right, I came back to settle the score between us - big brother

Next episode

Last scene repeated....

Blake - Big brother? What are you talking about, you don't have brothers

Ross - Ben is very fond of hyperboling, we went to the same law school, the same fraternal order, we are brothers in arms so to speak

Ben - So to speak

Blake - That's it?

Ross - That's it

Ben - Oh come on Ross, nothing would give me greater pleasure then to fill your wife in on everything, only this time I'll spare the hyperbole, but that's all I'll spare

Next scene

Ben - I'm sure you trust your wife, don't you Ross? more then anyone?

Ross - Yes, of course

Ben - And surely she's entitled to know exactly how we're

Ross - This may not be the best of times

Ben - You see this? (Ben shows Blake a ring he's wearing)

Blake - Yeah

Ben - Ross ever wore one of these?

Blake - Sure that's a ring of the legal society

Ben - Shh, shh, shh, there's a secret code and a secret handshake and if it ever fell into the wrong hands it could be catostrophic

Blake - laughing Don't worry, your secrets safe with me

Ben - Isn't that right Ross? If our secret were to get out I'd be thrown out of the annual dinner, drummed out of the society

Ross - He'd be tossed out on his ear

Blake - Okay, alright, you really had me going

Ben - Going where?

Blake - Well (Ben laughs), I just thought that there really was some bad blood between you or something

Ben - Oh, just something, that's all

Blake goes to check on the kids

Ben - You can thank me for saving you later, but did you notice how trippingly the lies came off my tounge? Could that be genetic? I mean you lie so easily, so casually, what if I were to follow through in my brothers footsteps, wouldn't our mother be proud....

Next scene

Ross - Ben, I have no idea what your talking about

Ben - Now that's one lie that's too big for even you to get your tounge around

Ross - Your under some misconception

Ben - laughing - That's right, bluff it right though to the end

Ross - No, someone's given you some bad information

Ben - I love it, you just won't let go, will you?

Rick comes back

Rick - Hey counsoller

Ben - You addressing me?

Rick - Yes I am. Your uh client and I just had a lovely conversation, I think we've come to a wonderful understanding

Ben - Oh that's a no-no Doctor Bauer, all conversations are to be confined to the courtroom, don't you agree Ross?

Ross - Stay away from Roy

Rick - You know it's obvious that you have no idea about that animal, what he did to Abby be... wait a minute - I know you

Ben - No, I don't think so

Rick - Yes, I do. You were on one of those court shows on TV, Cockren and Bailey, you were the attorney represting

Ben - One of the lucky ones, yes, those high profile cases didn't hurt my career much, no

Rick - No it didn't, and your going to use this case to give another boost to your career, use any innocent young woman, isn't that right counsoller?

Ross - This isn't the time or the place, we are going to settle this in court

Rick - Yeah, I see how this man settles things in court

Blake comes and gets Rick to take her and the boys home....

Ben - Well I hope you put him on the witness stand as a character witness I'd love have a crack at him

Ross - The woman he loves was visciously assulted how would you feel?

Ben - Waitress (calls over Drew)

Drew - Oh I love when someone calls me waitress (sarcasticly!!!)

Ben - Well what? Honey, sweetie, baby, what? I'm easy

Drew - What can I get you?

Ben - Single (something, can't catch it ?), and pour one for my bro, will you?

Ross - Don't call me that

Ben - Bro? It's a term of endearment

Ross - I am not your brother

Ben - Technically, no, your right, we're half brothers, but there is one big difference - you know who your father is and that's one of the reasons I'm here, I want to find out who my mother slept with to produce me

Next scene

Ross - What kind of man are you? How dare you make these accussations about my mother?

Ben - Nooo, let's keep the pronouns straight - our mother - (raises his glass) - To mummy - or whatever you called her - mom? momma? mommaseeta.... Do you recall responding to an ad placed in the journal by a young college student? An adoptive student searching for his birth parents...

Ross - Yes

Ben - Excellent.... Bright young attorney Ross Marler came to the aid of said student to help him in his search, funny thing was after only a few days the young attorney had to tell the student that his search had hit a dead-end, my birth mother was an indigent teenager, I remember you used that word, indigent, the teenager had died, and as for my father, suprise, suprise, not a trace

Ross - What's your point?

Ben - Isn't that what you told me? Answer the question...

Ross - Yes

Ben - The young college student was devestated, he didn't want to go back to school, but the young attorney stepped in to the rescue, put a fat wad of cash in my pocket and sent me right back to school, after graduation he magnanomously put me through law school - what a guy, a prince. How many people would come to the aid of a complete stranger like that?

Ross - Are you finished?

Ben - No. What I can't figure out is why wasn't I ever allowed to come back to town to visit my benifactor? There was always an excuse, a reason, so it came down to letters, phone calls

Ross - How much longer is this going to take?

Ben - Not long, bear with me, please. After law school an offer came through from one of the most prestigious law firms in New York, you wouldn't even think of me turning it down, you said it was the opportunity of a lifetime

Ross - It was

Ben - Wrong

Ross - You were lucky to get it

Ben - A senior partner told me the truth last year when he retired. We were in a saloonn , he was half in the bag, laughing, about how much he owed Ross Marler, how you payed my first year's salary. You got me out of town and you kept me out of town because you didn't want to acknowledge your mother's bastard son. So answer me one question counsoller, do you deny this?

Ross - Ben... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry

Next scene

Ben - I'll take your apology as an admission of guilt

Ross - Guilt?

Ben - Your kindness were nothing more then macanations and manipulations to keep me from finding my roots, my birth family

Ross - You have become a skilled attorney, at least in terms of going for the juggular

Ben - Oh and your some bininne, aw shucks country lawyer is that what your tellin' me?

Ross - No I just do my job Ben, I've always prided myself in doing my job

Ben - Yeah. Is this where you tell me your a kinder, gentler man then I?

Ross - No, but you should know what it was like to live with a widowed mother. Justin was at school, Lanie was already living with other relatives, mother had two sometimes three jobs, cooking, cleaing, taking in laundry, whatever she could do to make a buck, but she wasn't making and it wasn't even close, she wanted me to go live with relatives, but I refused and so I was the one who had to stay, I watched my mother go downhill and I saw the shame in her eyes when she told me she was pregnant and we were going to be going on public assistance, these were different times and she was ashamed to leave the house, ashamed to be seen pregnant without the benifit of a husband, so she stayed at home, all the time, and she would cry, sometimes hours at a stretch, and I hadn't seen her do that since my father's funeral, and I couldn't do anything to help, I was just a child, I was a boy, all I could do was watch, and one day she took my hand and she placed it on her belly and told me that she would love to give me a little brother or a little sister but it was impossible because she could not give that child anything, she couldn't provide for it, she could barely provide for me. I was little boy, I wanted my mother to stop crying, so I made a vow, that she would never suffer for putting that child up for adoption and one bright day she would have the best of everything and it would be me, I would provide it. Years larter, when you come to town, it was near the end and she was gravely ill and if I had taken you to see her, my mother's last days would have been filled with regret and remorse and I couldn't hurt her like that, becuase I had made a vow, that my mother wasn't going to cry anymore

Ben - Bravo - counsoller, Bravo, a masterful retelling and bravisema to dear dead mom

Next scene

Ross - I'm truly sorry Ben, that you find the truth so amusing, you know your so cynical you can't understand what it was like for me all those years ago

Ben - Don't tell me your thinking about becoming the vitcim in this are you bro?

Ross - I cared about you and I did what I could, I helped you through school, I helped you get the job, I wanted to provide something tangiable

Ben - Tangiable? You think money is more important then family? More important then me finding my mother?

Ross - I told you...

Ben - I know what you told me, I know everything, I know my mother had you and you had my mother and there wasn't room for anyone else. Tell me do my other brother and sister even know I exist?

Ross - They have no idea

Ben - Well one thing I have to say for you counsoller, you sure know how to keep a secret, well so do I

Ross - I don't know what else to say

Ben - You mean robbing me of my legacy? keeping me from finding out and meeting my birth parents has you tounge-tied?

Ross - If you think I know who your father is, your wrong, she never told me, I never asked

Ben - So she could keep a secret too, huh? Funny how that runs in families, of course I have no interest in finding out who sired me, I just want to stay here and share and share alike with the good son who stood by his momma during her darkest hour. You think you had tough duty didn't you Ross, that you had a deprived childhood

Ross - No, I..

Ben - Well you don't know what deprivation is, you don't know what real pain is, the kind of pain that sucks the emtion, that sucks the life right out of you. Well, all that's about to change - it's time to pay the piper

Ross - What does that mean?

Ben - The case. It's not usually my style, I mean the guy's kind of a creep, but I took it so I could rip you, so I could tear you up one side and down the other and when I get through with you in court I'm coming after you for real

Ross - That will be a big mistake

Ben - I'm going to be your worst private nightmare my friend

Ross - What do you mean private?

Ben - I mean I have no intention of publicly claiming you as my brother, any more then you would of acknowledging me

Ross leaves......

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